For you
Using knitting to nurture your wellbeing
Harness the therapeutic benefits of knitting to support your mental health and boost your wellbeing.
Explore our resources for individuals here…
Self Care One Stitch at a Time Audio Course - £49
The audio course bringing together the psychological science of wellbeing with a love of knitting – to help you weave self-care into your everyday. Delivered as a private podcast feed and workbook.
Blog posts
Journal Club: Promoting health through yarncraft
Dr Mia Hobbs and Dr Paula Redmond discuss a research article exploring the experiences of an online knitting group living with mental distress
Knitting is the ultimate activity for mental health microgains
Mental health microgains are quick wins to support our wellbeing. Learn how knitting is the ultimate activity for mental health microgains
The therapeutic power of knitting through grief
Knitting can be a powerful tool for supporting us in grief. Dr Paula Redmond shares her experiences of knitting through loss in the Guide to After Life podcast.
Connect with your values through knitting
Knitting can help you connect with your values and the things that really matter to you. Mia’s Bit by Bit dress is a great example of this.
5 easy ideas for your very first knitting project
What will you make for your very first knitting project? Here are five simple pattern ideas to get you started.
Does knitting give you permission to rest or relax?
Rest and relaxation don’t always come easily. Learn about the range of ways that knitting can enable rest and relaxation.